Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Salt of the earth is what I think of when I think of my friend Deb! One of the hardest working mothers out there! The Mom of two of the cutest kids - I think what I admire the most about Deb is her ability to put her family before anything or anyone else! She doesn't hesitate to say no to events that she knows will interfere with their precious time together! But, this also means that I don't get to see her nearly enough! One of my favorite Christmas' with my new family was a impromptu Christmas day dinner we had with Deb & her husband and new baby boy.

I will also say that she must have the patience of Job! Why, you ask? Well, let's just say her husband is a connoisseur of collectibles...especially cars! Cheers to Deb!


Kerri said...

You hit the nail on the head - she is the most genuine person I could know!

Jenn said...

You really did nail everyone - especially Deb. I'm so proud to call her my best friend!

Anonymous said...

As an old friend of Deb's from PA, I would say you have her down! Thanks for sharing!

Eve :-)