This doesn't happen often...he was totally posing for me! This picture came after the most pathetic, whoa is me, fit! "I waaaannnnt a squirter, I don't have a squirter and I waaannnt one." FYI, squirter aka gun, which we refuse to let him have. Save your breath, yes we realize that all boys want to play with guns, and that they'll make a gun out of just about anything...we know...we live it! You just can't expect a couple of non-violent, peacenik, former Peace Corps volunteer, vegetarian folks let their boy have a gun just because he wants one, hell I want a nice, new Passat station wagon (blue), but you don't see me getting what I want! Anyway, back to the original story...this picture was taken after I agreed to let him play with the less violent gun substitute...your ordinary household water bottle, but look how happy it made him! Peace!!