Thursday, September 16, 2010


This dog drove me crazy!! He was rude, didn't listen to me, ate everything in sight, coughed like a fiend, slobbered, shed like nobody's business, neurotically chased balls, and just tolerated me & the kids. But, he loved my husband unconditionally, and the feeling was mutual!

He will be greatly missed!


Red Cottage Life said...

I am so sorry to hear this! Is Alvin okay? What about the kids and Jazzy?

Meghan said...

aahhh poor Alvin...I know how you feel. Benny died and he was very much Dave's dog...funny how he drove me a bit crazy but I still miss him. :)

Anonymous said...

Alvin, I'm sorry. I know you will miss him.

Kerri said...

So sorry to hear that he is gone. So sad - how is everyone?