Monday, September 17, 2007

It's the hair!

It's no wonder folks often confuse him with a girl. . .
Funny & True story. . . a little boy at his school, Nate, gave him a sharks tooth necklace . . . Nate's Mom was thoroughly confused when she brought the necklace to school and the teachers pointed out my son "Amy-Lee*". . . apparently Nate had been referring to him as a girl . . .
*For the sake of this blog I do call my son Amy-Lee and my daughter Lou. What are the odds that this will scar them psychologically?

1 comment:

j&bH said...

i think slim to none...
i would like to first say that while i am not "wise" i am semi "well-read"...

that said, i would like to remind you that in Little Women, Josephine was called Jo and Theodore Lawrence was called Laurie...the turned out just fine. Granted Laurie married Jo's sister, Amy, but everyone ended up happy and healthy.

i can relate anything back to my books...:)