Monday, May 18, 2009

Granny, I mean Mamma

Have you heard about the 66 year old woman who is scheduled to give birth next month? Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke doesn't it? But, it's true, a 66 year old woman from Great Britain was artificially inseminated in the Ukraine ("fertility tourism") and is now slated to become a Mom at age SIXTY SIX...

Here's where my irritation comes in - not at the 66 year old Mom, although I do think she's CaaRaazy to be birthing a baby when she's old enough for Social Security, but hey, it's her choice! I'm so irritated by the media questioning whether or not she has the "right" to birth a child at that age...the "right"...WTF? The media would not be in this foaming at the mouth frenzy if this were a man who was expecting his 1st child - they'd be congratulating him... Viagra for everyone...

My sweet husband's Dad was 60 years old when his precious Alvie was born & he was an awesome Dad. He was perhaps the perfect Dad, retired with lots of patience & time on his hands. Many family members have told me that Alvie prolonged his Dad's life - giving him a reason to live & thrive. So, if this 66 year old woman wants to have sleepless nights, crying, whining babies, loss of disposable income due to disposable diapers, I say go for it Mama! And, here's an upside to having a child at 66...nursing won't affect your boobs, they're already droopy...


fiona said...

amen sister!!!

Kerri said...

I'm with you - she is CRAZY! But, more power to her!

Lisa said...

i get the nursing joke....LOL