Sunday, November 30, 2008


This wasn't my idea - it was a photo shoot for a friend's Christmas card...but I had to try it - they looked like they were having so much fun!
This totally isn't what I was going to blog about today...but how could resist?

**what's up with the tongue?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

mea culpa

Sorry for the lack of know it's been crazy around here...traveling,visiting family, eating, visiting'll forgive me won'tcha?

Monday, November 17, 2008


What a beautiful autumn day! And, we took full advantage of it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Leaf hunt

I had nothing to do with this picture other than taking it! We were out on a leaf hunt when they found this bridge, stopped, unloaded backpacks and began documenting their finds.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Husband

You know I go on & on about my kids, our new president, and whatever else is running through my head, but I don't really say enough about my sweet husband...why is that? He sure is good, to me & to our kids. He's kind to the ones he should be and the ones he doesn't want to be (read: me & the kids...). He's loving and generous. He's handsome as all get-up! He works hard for our family, doesn't get to watch sports when he wants, drives the older car (albeit cleaner), suffers patiently through my whims, even indulges them sometimes!

Maybe I'll go thank him right now. . .

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well, a lot has taken place here the past few days... besides the obvious... I just had my 40th birthday!! I know it seems impossible - me - forty - but it's true! My children have been reminding me and anyone else we run into...

The entire week has been one big celebration! One day flowers, another a President, the next a CD, then a book... Unfortunately, I was sick as a dog on my actual birthday...and no, it wasn't from too much celebrating the night before...

Last night the husband & I headed to the big city & to IKEA...that'll wear you out! Who knew we needed all that Swedish stuff?

Then to top it all off...a big Surprise party...without all the SURPRISE!! Can I help it I'm super keen & it's hard to pull a fast one on me? Regardless, it was beautiful! Thanks to my wonderful husband, family & friends I had an excellent fortieth birthday!! Thank God it's over!

**kids lined up for yummy cake

Monday, November 3, 2008


Today's indoctrination included getting the kids out & going door-to-door "getting out the vote"!

It goes without saying that tomorrow is a big day! I hope everyone gets out & casts their vote, if they haven't already!

See ya on the other side!!

Spaghetti lunch

If these two aren't the cutest!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yes, he did!

It's true...he called me! Who knew it would happen? Me & 20,000 other faithful volunteers! You know he really didn't even have to bother...he had me at "hello"! I'll be out there these next 72 hours doing what I can to get him elected! It's exciting!